1985 New Orleans Saints Offensive Statistics

Offensive Statistics of New Orleans Saints 1985 NFL Regular Season

Passing Statistics

Attempts Completions % Yards Yds./Att Longest TDs Int Rating Sacked/Yards Lost
Dave Wilson 293 145 49.4% 1843 6.3 50 11 15 60.7 39/-291
Bobby Hebert 181 97 53.5% 1208 6.7 76 5 4 74.6 17/-150
Richard Todd 32 16 50% 191 6.0 56 3 4 60.3 1/-10
Brian Hansen 1 1 100% 8 8.0 8 0 0 100.0 0/0
Guido Merkens 1 1 100% 7 7.0 7 1 0 135.4 0/0
Totals 508 260 51.2% 3257 6.4 76 20 23 65.7 58/-461

Rushing Statistics

Attempts Yards Average Longest TDs
Wayne Wilson 168 645 3.8 41 1
Earl Campbell 158 643 4.1 45 1
Hokie Gajan 50 251 5.0 26 2
Tyrone Anthony 17 65 3.8 13 0
Frank Wattelet 2 42 21.0 23 0
Bobby Hebert 12 26 2.2 8 0
Dave Wilson 18 7 0.4 17 0
Bobby Fowler 2 4 2.0 3 0
Eugene Goodlow 1 3 3.0 3 0
Guido Merkins 1 -2 -2.0 -2 0
Eric Martin 2 -1 -0.5 11 0
Totals 432 1683 3.9 45 4

Receiving Statistics

Catches Yards Average Longest TDs
Hoby Brenner 42 652 15.5 30 3
Wayne Wilson 38 228 6.0 21 2
Eric Martin 35 522 14.9 50 4
Eugene Goodlow 32 603 18.8 76 3
Tyrone Anthony 28 185 6.6 36 0
John Tice 24 266 11.1 39 2
Jeff Groth 15 238 15.9 59 2
Larry Hardy 15 206 13.9 31 2
Hokie Gajan 8 87 10.9 22 0
Lindsey Scott 7 61 8.7 15 0
Earl Campbell 6 88 14.7 39 0
Bobby Fowler 5 43 8.6 11 0
Guido Merkins 3 61 20.3 39 1
James Haynes 1 8 8.0 8 0
Bobby Hebert 1 7 7.0 7 1

Punting Statistics

Number Average Longest
Brian Hanson 89 42.3 58

Kicking Statistics

XP XPA % FG Attempts % Longest Points
Morten Andersen* 27 29 93% 31 35 89% 55 120
* – Pro Bowl Selection

1985 Total Offense Statistics

Points Avg PPG Yards Avg YPG Plays Avg 1st Downs Turnovers NFL Rank NFC Rank
Totals 294 18.3 4479 279.9 997 4.6 250 36 27† 13†
†Offensive Rankings based on Total Yards Gained
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